Matrix Conscious training.


Training Format             - Science Simplified - Caveman 101 -     

  The Matrix is scientifically real ( see below ) and can be explained - There is a missing hidden science.                                                                                                                                                                          It explains super Incredible human attributes & Abilities Including health.   There is a hidden war occurring, That most are not aware of, that is unfolding Globally.  This powerful Information is the source, Cause, and Reason for Camouflaged World War 3                                                                               

WHAT THE MATRIX IS - ( SIMPLIFIED ) - The Matrix is the lost / Hidden Ancient Wisdom that once was.                                                                                                                                                                                It has been known, practiced, and kept secret BY the top 1% that own & control everything. It is the operation of energy, programing, a missing powerful science and that the Universe is alive and Conscious. We can access its wisdom & also program it. 

Because this is so powerful, beyond anything of your imagination, it is the source, cause and effect of why the World is in Complete Kaos / Camouflaged world 3. The top 1% do not want the World to know this. They seem to be doing A N Y T H I N G to prevent it. YES - It is that Powerful.                                                                              

mUSCLE TESTING - Doctors call it kinesIology -  

 Level - 1 - fee training - Our Bodies have a energy field, physically shown in chapter 1.  This field, accesses the Universal                         Field, know being taught by our Top Scientists & Educators. Doctors refer to Kinesiology. in part, as receiving answers, from the       body. I will refer to this, as the Field.

 Once you experience, Receiving Answers, to Yes or No questions, from the Field. You will know there is a lot more going on.               Only the Matrix can explain this ability.

 Top 1% have kept this hidden from the population, but its slowly getting released.  


  Please Complete and Master Level 1 free TRAININg  - LINK - prior to Final Level

   Every Wednesday at 8pm  Canadian Central Time Zone - you can join ME live Free ZOOM matrix training. Focusing on                           Muscle Testing & More ZOOM LINK 8PM Canadian Central Time.  - Other Timelines Coming -

 Muscle Testing level II

You are welcome & encouraged to share this with Your Family. Please share with your Family only, to Respect the Thousand & Thousands of hours & Dollars Spent, to bring you this accurate, powerful Information. Thank you.           Its Fast, Fun & Amazing.

love From Canada & Beyond. Paul Routley

Muscle Testing Matrix Training - Receive yes / no answers directly to your Mind or Your Body. Very Powerful & Instantly. 

Price - $133.00 US  level II

this WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE & many others.

- Just The Facts -                                                                              Under Construction - course available this March

Muscle Testing  - is some of the Most Advanced & Powerful ANCIENT Knowledge There is. - Just the Facts -

After purchasing, you will be Directed to Training Course. There will also be a link in your Receipt. 

Thank you for your purchase & world support.  

Super Conscious Creator Training  JUST THE FACTS              


Intuition Course - ( simplified )                             coming later today 

I n t u i t i o n - is Knowledge that comes to you from the field. Very Powerful.                                                                                              ............................. Example - baby girl has Einstein IQ at 2.5 years of age. She has never gone to school. She is a toddler. How is this possible. ALL the Einstein's of the world, state their knowledge came from within. Thats Intuition at its Finest. 

when you Experience this Your self, You ask, what the heck is GOING on. As a Previous Aircraft Technician, spanning over 2 decades. I can not believe in ANYTHING, unless I have the wisdom, knowledge or technology to do so. I am Programmed that way, yes PROGRAMMED. See my Personnel  story & education.  Ancient wisdom Brought forward - JUST THE FACTS -

Intuition Course - $133 US -  _____________________________________

Outstanding value - JUST THE FACTS -