Matrix Conscious training.
Training Format - Science Simplified - Caveman 101 -
The Matrix is scientifically real ( see below ) and can be explained - There is a missing hidden science. It explains super Incredible human attributes & Abilities Including health. There is a hidden war occurring, That most are not aware of, that is unfolding Globally. This powerful Information is the source, Cause, and Reason for Camouflaged World War 3
WHAT THE MATRIX IS - ( SIMPLIFIED ) - The Matrix is the lost / Hidden Ancient Wisdom that once was. It has been known, practiced, and kept secret BY the top 1% that own & control everything. It is the operation of energy, programing, a missing powerful science and that the Universe is alive and Conscious. We can access its wisdom & also program it.
Because this is so powerful, beyond anything of your imagination, it is the source, cause and effect of why the World is in Complete Kaos / Camouflaged world 3. The top 1% do not want the World to know this. They seem to be doing A N Y T H I N G to prevent it. YES - It is that Powerful.
mUSCLE TESTING - Doctors call it kinesIology -
Level - 1 - fee training - Our Bodies have a energy field, physically shown in chapter 1. This field, accesses the Universal Field, know being taught by our Top Scientists & Educators. Doctors refer to Kinesiology. in part, as receiving answers, from the body. I will refer to this, as the Field.
Once you experience, Receiving Answers, to Yes or No questions, from the Field. You will know there is a lot more going on. Only the Matrix can explain this ability.
Top 1% have kept this hidden from the population, but its slowly getting released.
Please Complete and Master Level 1 free TRAININg - LINK - prior to Final Level
Every Wednesday at 8pm Canadian Central Time Zone - you can join ME live Free ZOOM matrix training. Focusing on Muscle Testing & More ZOOM LINK 8PM Canadian Central Time. - Other Timelines Coming -
Muscle Testing level II
You are welcome & encouraged to share this with Your Family. Please share with your Family only, to Respect the Thousand & Thousands of hours & Dollars Spent, to bring you this accurate, powerful Information. Thank you. Its Fast, Fun & Amazing.
love From Canada & Beyond. Paul Routley
Muscle Testing Matrix Training - Receive yes / no answers directly to your Mind or Your Body. Very Powerful & Instantly.
Price - $133.00 US level II
this WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE & many others.
- Just The Facts - Under Construction - course available this March
Muscle Testing - is some of the Most Advanced & Powerful ANCIENT Knowledge There is. - Just the Facts -
After purchasing, you will be Directed to Training Course. There will also be a link in your Receipt.
Thank you for your purchase & world support.
Super Conscious Creator Training JUST THE FACTS
Intuition Course - ( simplified ) coming later today
I n t u i t i o n - is Knowledge that comes to you from the field. Very Powerful. ............................. Example - baby girl has Einstein IQ at 2.5 years of age. She has never gone to school. She is a toddler. How is this possible. ALL the Einstein's of the world, state their knowledge came from within. Thats Intuition at its Finest.