Pineal Gland Fact's - History - Detoxing - Autopsy Reports
The Power of your Pineal Gland - Billionaires know - Millionaires know - Top 1% know - Government's know - Ancient's knew - Bottom 99% Don't KNOW - Just the Fact's -
The hidden power of your Pineal Gland Documentary
Pineal Gland Autopsy Reports -
- Just the Facts -
Pineal Health normally weakens as you get older due to toxins building up in your System. Think of it as Plaque. We all know plaque builds up in our arteries. The pineal gland has the most blood flow compared to any other organ. This mean it also gets the most Toxins.
More Case Studies - Just the Facts -
- Science Direct -
Case Studies and more links
- Dental Flourosis - My Father was a Dentist see personal fluoride story - Just the Fact's -
Because Fluoride is a Poison, why is it in our Water, Tooth Paste and Food Product's. Doesn't make sense.
Fluoride Insecticide - Just The Facts -
Fluoride Insecticide
- Poison -
Fluoride Toothpaste Poison Warning Label
All toothpaste with fluoride has poison control LABEL
Fluoride Rat Poison
was sold up to end World War 2
- Just the Facts -
- Crazy Facts -
Detoxing your Pineal